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About clinic

Neurology clinic continues the best tradition established by pioneer work of Dr Laza Lazarević, father of the modern Serbian neurology. Since its establishment all the way to the present days, the institution has always been a place of gathering of the most eminent clinical neurologists from Serbia, teaching base for the students, residents at the department of neurology and other branches having neurological advanced training in their curricula  as well as center and source of the scientific research in the field of clinical  and experimental neurology.


The Clinic for Nerve and Mental Diseases and at the same time Department of Psychiatry and Neurology were established on October 10th, 1923. It was the very first academic institution of the kind in the former Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and its first Head was Professor Laza Stanojević from Vienna, whose collaborates implemented their pioneer experience gained in the newly founded Institution for subsequent establishment of the same institutions in other towns of the former country (Radoslav Lopašić in Zagreb, Dimitrije Dimitrijević in Sarajevo).

Review of organizational departments, units, centers and laboratories within the Neurology clinic.

List of all employees working at the Neurology clinic.

See how to find Neurology clinic and persons  in charge for  contacts with customers through E-mail of telephone.


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Webinars over Internet

Predvideli smo da se svakog trećeg četvrtka u mesecu, sa početkom u 12 časova, stručnoj i naučnoj neurološkoj javnosti Srbije obrate naši eminentni stručnjaci i predavači sa temama koje su aktuelne i koje zaokupljaju neurološku profesionalnu i istraživačku znatiželju kod nas i u svetu.
Webinari će se održavati u formi kratkih predavanja (20 minuta sa dodatnih 5 minuta za pitanja) u kojoj će auditorijum sačinjavati lekari na specijalizaciji na našoj klinici. Details on this link.

Scientific papers

A list of scientific papers published by the employees of the Neurology clinic since 1981. Complete list can be found here.