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Center for memory disorders and dementia

Center for Memory Disorders and Dementias is the first center of the kind in our country (based on the statistical data, 10% of people above 65 years of age suffer from Alzheimer’s disease). The Center was established with an idea to enable early diagnostics based on most up-to-date international criteria and early commencement of treatment in patients with memory disorders and other cognitive-behavioral changes, as well as early diagnosis and treatment of other dementias. During the fist phase, the Center will be organized as outpatient or polyclinic unit and the examinations are to be organized through Day hospital, which necessitates making of appointments and the patients will be informed by our staff on the exact terms by telephone.

The Center is not only a diagnostic and therapeutic facility, but also a methodological center aimed at education of physicians and medical workers with high school degrees from other institutions in Serbia. The Center also publishes periodical bulletins, and it will be particularly involved in informing and education of patients and their families in order to help them to combat with their disease and problems through different activities aimed at increasing the awareness on the significance of early recognition and treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia.

Head of the Center is Prof. Dr. Elka Stefanova.


Izvod iz vodiča za Alchajmerovu bolest za 2013. godinu možete preuzeti ovde.


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Predvideli smo da se svakog trećeg četvrtka u mesecu, sa početkom u 12 časova, stručnoj i naučnoj neurološkoj javnosti Srbije obrate naši eminentni stručnjaci i predavači sa temama koje su aktuelne i koje zaokupljaju neurološku profesionalnu i istraživačku znatiželju kod nas i u svetu.
Webinari će se održavati u formi kratkih predavanja (20 minuta sa dodatnih 5 minuta za pitanja) u kojoj će auditorijum sačinjavati lekari na specijalizaciji na našoj klinici. Details on this link.

Scientific papers

A list of scientific papers published by the employees of the Neurology clinic since 1981. Complete list can be found here.